Anxiety Therapy

Have you attempted anxiety therapy with no results? Do you find it difficult to control anxious thoughts that don’t go away? Do you experienced dizzy spells which lead to panic? Have you feared that you might stop breathing because your breathing becomes erratic?

These and other uncomfortable feelings are common place in panic and anxiety attacks. Anxiety is a normal experience of everyday life, but some people have more uncontrollable waves of anxiety and these are known as panic attacks. People who suffer from such attacks are so filled with fear and terror that they think death is imminent.

There are individuals who struggle with anxiety disorders for many years and attempt every program, book course or therapy that comes out, in the hope that they can alleviate themselves from this condition. However most anxiety attack sufferers have little faith in ever relieving themselves of their condition simply due to the negative experiences they have with anxiety therapy, whilst many are too embarrassed to admit they may require anxiety therapy or treatment.

But if you do suffer from panic attacks or general anxiety disorders there is still hope. This glimmer of hope comes in the shape of Barry Joe McDonagh who is a former suffer of frequent panic attacks and general anxiety disorders. This gentleman has developed a 100% natural approach to eliminating panic and general anxiety attacks completely which is literally helping thousands of people as we speak (Check out all the testimonials on his site- here).

He is offering a simple course called- Panic Away. It bases itself on a simple technique called the One Move Technique which aims gets your general anxiety levels under control without the need for medication or alternative anxiety therapy. At first I was pretty skeptical that such a method would have any effect what so ever......that was until I began reading the hundreds of testimonials he receives on a monthly basis.....and then I was impressed!

Barry mentions that there is one key factor that makes the difference between those who fully eliminate panic attacks from their lives and those who do not and believe it or not it is not rocket science. Barry says that this key factor is not medication or changes in lifestyle or even relaxation exercises…..its fear! The fear of having another panic attack. Now how can you overcome fear? Well his course aims to teach you techniques which help you reduce the fear of having another panic attack so you are able to feel complete freedom from panic attacks.

This course teaches you a technique that allows you to break the cycle of anxiety- removing the when and where factor associated with panic attacks- allowing you to return to normal everyday anxiety free living. The best part of this technique is that there is no need for you to do all that soul searching to find out why you had your initial panic attack in order to get results. The only thing it requires is you to have the will power and desire to rid yourself of anxiety attacks. Are you up for the challenge?

Get Anxiety Therapy that works and FREE yourself from Anxiety and Panic attacks today CLICK HERE

Friday, 8 January 2010

Anxiety - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Anxiety - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

By Victor Santos

Those who suffer from anxiety know how limiting and frustrating it can be. You give up things you would like to do. You avoid going to places you would like to go. You avoid talking in public. You don't trust your ability to do something... and the list goes on and on.

Symptoms like heart palpitations, cold or sweating hands, sweating underarms, constant worrying and others, pursue those who have anxiety.

The causes of anxiety may include heredity, low self-esteem, personal beliefs, lifestyle, abuses during childhood and other factors.

No matter what type of anxiety you have or what has caused it, there are ways to reduce and possibly eliminate it. For some people the treatment will be fast, for others it will take long.

If you are suffering from severe anxiety, you may need to take medication to alleviate the symptoms. Besides the prescription drugs, there are natural supplements that can be used to alleviate the symptoms of anxiety.

Some of these supplements are:

• St. John's Wort

• Sam-e

• Tryptophan

• 5-HTP

• L-Theanine

• Calcium and Magnesium


There are several approaches that you can use for overcoming anxiety. Try those that you would feel confident about. Sometimes it is not the approach that you choose to treat anxiety that it is going to cure it but how strong you believe in the approach being used.

A popular method used by psychologists to treat anxiety is cognitive-behavioral therapy. It is probably a good starting point.

I personally find physical exercise a very good way of reducing anxiety symptoms. Exercise does not cure anxiety, but helps a lot with the symptoms. You also get other benefits by doing exercise, such as, stronger immune system, better sleep, more energy, better self-esteem, etc.

Follow a list of methods that can be used to treat anxiety. These methods will be more effective if used in combination:

• Counseling (several approaches can be used, such as, cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness, hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming, etc)

• Meditation

• Visualization

• Muscle relaxation

• Physical exercises

• Yoga

• Periodic and consistent physical exercises, such as biking, running, weight lifting, team games (basketball, volleyball, football, etc)

• Emotional freedom technique

• Healthy eating habits (avoid sugar and stimulants)

• Lifestyle changes, such as, more leisure time, more sleep time, etc

It is important that you are really committed to reduce your anxiety. Try the methods listed above. Find one you feel confident about and stick to it. If a particular method does not work for you, try another one. Keep trying. Persevere. If you are really committed to improve your life, your efforts will pay off at the end.

For more detailed information about some methods to reduce anxiety, such as, meditation, visualization, physical exercises and others, please click on: overcoming anxiety disorder.

Victor Santos

Article Source:,-Symptoms-and-Treatment&id=3528696

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